
第165章 她就是当年救我们的。(1/1)


首发:~第165章 她就是当年救我们的。

“boss, he is going to betray us”(老大,他要背叛我们。)

“i don"t have,i just think that since he saved us,then we shouldn"t keep anything from him”(我没有,我只是觉得她既然救了我们,那我们就不应该对他有任何的隐瞒。)

“but the consequence of your doing this is that we will die,do you know thatwhy are you so selfish”(你这样做的后果是让我们去死,你知道吗?你怎么那么自私)

“who on earth is selfish between the two of us she saved us, and we should repay her if it weren"t for her, you would be a corpse by now

not just you, all of us would be corpses the reason why you didn"t want me to tell her is just that she is a girl

you thought that a girl didn"t have that much ability

you thought that a young girl couldn"t possibly have such great strength

but you were wrong she just has such great strength i don"t know if you still remember that five years ago when we were patrolling outside, we encountered a tiger”



remember,what does that have to do with him”(记得,那跟她有什么关系?)

owen冷笑一声,“what does it matterhe saved us what do you think it has to do with him”(有什么关系?她救了我们你说跟她有什么关系!)

- leo一脸看不可置信的看着owen,就连他们老大也不可思议的看着owen。

leo:“is it true what you said”(你说的是真的吗?)

“what good would it do for me to lie to you as for how i knew it, when she saved us, there was a scar exposed on her hand

and a few days ago when i went to ask valeria for help, there was an identical scar on her hand that"s not all

there"s also the knife she used back then she hasn"t changed it and has been holding it in her hand all the time

moreover, you also knew that there was a letter "s" engraved on her knife back then, and there"s the same letter on valeria"s knife too who else could it be if it"s not her”


leo听完他说的话,依旧是不可置信,“impossible!i don"t believe what you saidyou liar!traitor!”(不可能!我不信你说的话,你这个骗子,叛徒!)


“leo, shut up! after getting along for so many years, don"t you know that he never tells lies i know that because valeria is a girl, you don"t like her and even look down upon her

but do you know who valeria is she"s the dragon of 512! and also the deadly king of hell that we"re afraid of

the person you look down upon is the one we"re afraid of the person you don"t like is the one who saved you back then

it"s okay if you don"t know how to be grateful, but you can"t look down upon her just because she"s a girl”


“have you thrown all the rules i taught you to the dogs is this how i taught you to behave you don"t respect your savior and even look down upon her

if you continue to be like this, then get out of here put down your gun now, pack your things, and we"ll leave tomorrow”



“i don"t believe it i don"t believe that the person who saved us is a girl i also don"t believe that that girl is actually the dragon of 512 i will never believe you i will never be grateful to a girl”(我不相信,我不相信救我们的人是一个女生,我也不相信那个女生居然是512的神龙,我绝对不会相信你,我绝对不会感恩一个女生。)




“owen, tell me if what you just said is true back then, you told me that the person defeated that tiger how could it be a girl who managed to deal with the tiger besides, how old was she back then it"s simply unreasonable”



但owen的眼神坚定,“what i said is true it"s her! boss, you just said that i never tell lies moreover, there is indeed the letter "s" on the handle of that knife, and she does have that scar so i"m one hundred percent sure it"s her that"s why i trust her so much”


“since you"re so certain, then i"ll believe you if we can e back here again, i"ll surely pay her a visit in person and thank her for saving our lives back then”


“well, you"re tired, too go back to rest,we"ll leave here tonight”(好了,你也累了,回去休息吧,今天晚上我们便离开这里。)

“boss, let"s get out of here where are we going”(老大我们离开这里我们去哪里?)

“go anywhere, as long as you can get out of here”(去哪里都行,只要能离开这里。)

“go and rest”(去休息吧。)






【女性成长文,男生前期有青梅竹马的准女友,久别重逢】 隋荷是一株杂草,她贫穷,虚荣,敏感,有心机,她唯一的愿望就是考出去,自己赚钱自己花。 她知道,沈确和她不是一个国度的人,他家境殷实,朋友多,学习好,受女生喜欢…… 他永远不明白她到底是为了什么在拧巴,他永远不懂。 所以她不要他的喜欢,她不要他高高在上的喜欢。
“快快快,手脚麻利点,王府来人了,快将大小姐塞进花轿里,别误了吉时。” 嗯?听起来有点强嫁强娶的意思,这大小姐真可怜。 等等! 她睁开眼,看着眼前的花轿,整个人都懵了。 合着要嫁人的,是她? 嫁人也就算了,对方是个病秧子也算了,为什么还和公鸡拜堂? 看着眼前华丽的王府,她忍了,谁让以后她也是有钱人呢!只要熬死所有人,她就是王府的主人了! 可谁知,刚嫁进去,还没洞房呢,就被皇帝抄家流放了。 她:“
【闪婚+团宠+蓄谋已久+追妻火葬场+先婚后爱】 叶婧槐和叶絮从小就被抱错,五岁那年被换回来,叶婧槐的父母亲人早已过世,唯一能领养她的,是孟景深这个与她没有丝毫血缘关系的小叔。 十五年的朝夕相处,让叶婧槐情难自抑地对孟景深萌生情愫,可他却为了叶絮的一句话,将她送进了戒管所。 三年时间,足以将从前最为耀眼的天之娇女,折磨到如今不人不鬼的地步,也让她成功戒了对孟景深的爱。 出戒管所当天,她就决定离开,